Executive Summary for Municipal Broadband


  • Digital Equity - 17.2% of Seattle lacks home internet, often low-income residents
  • Monopoly - most people are limited to only one option for broadband
  • Expensive - private broadband is very expensive (3x the cost of public broadband)
  • Customer Service - Comcast is consistently rated WORST in the entire country
  • Privacy - ISPs want to sell your browsing data and slow down Netflix
  • Transit - Seattle has a transit crisis and we need to make remote work effective
  • Image - current infrastructure is not representative of our high tech, world class city  


  • Public Utility - make broadband a public utility, like Seattle City Light
  • Access - available to everyone, in every neighborhood
  • Just an ISP - private companies still provide Netflix, HBO, phone service, etc.
  • Fast - fiber to the home is 10x the speed of Comcast
  • Affordable - 1/3 the price of comparable private broadband options
  • Privacy - city won’t sell your data
  • Net Neutrality - city won’t slow down Netflix or other services
  • Local Control - No anti-consumer practices, data caps, mandatory bundles, rate hikes


  • Gigabit fiber to every home in Seattle
  • Could be funded with revenue bonds, paid for by future subscribers.
  • Low-income options for Seattle residents, similar to Seattle City Light
  • Look to benchmark cities for guidance (there are over 750 communities that already have municipal broadband)


Source: City of Seattle Fiber-to-the-Premises Feasibility Study, produced by CTC for Seattle in 2015