President Obama Gets Behind Municipal Broadband. What About You, Seattle?

From The Stranger's Ansel Herz:

"President Obama is in the small town of Cedar Falls, Iowa today to talk about something he'll be highlighting in his State of the Union address next week: the need for affordable, high-speed Internet access.

Why Cedar Falls? Because two years ago, the utility company there launched afiber-based municipal broadband network. In this new video, Obama also talks up the success of Chattanooga, Tennessee's municipal broadband service. Both cities offer speeds of up to 1 gigabit, or 1,000 megabits per second (mbps).

I've written over and over about how Chattanooga can be a model for Seattle, and last month, the city's chief technology officer, Michael Mattmiller, flew there to meet with the energy utility that developed the program."